Pakistan – Testimonials

Dr Shahid Bhatti: No one said that vaping is totally safe and we vapers know that it is a much “Safer” alternative to tobacco smoking. It’s all about risk and harm reduction. Atif: Please do not take this much healthier option away from people to prevent themselves from […]

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Norway – Testimonials

Baard: Vape as harm reduction saves millions of lives worldwide. Tommy: I’m signing this because my health improved tremendously after switching from cigarettes to electric cigarettes. Return to Testimonials index || View all testimonials

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Belgium – Testimonials

Luc: Les gouvernements sont des hypocrites qui voeint leur “poule aux oeufs d’or” (taxes sur les produits du tabac) s’envoler à cause de la vape dont ils veulent à tout prix en reprendre le monopole pour taxer à nouveau. C’est scandaleux !!! Google Translation: Governments are hypocrites who […]

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Kenya – Testimonials

Mohamme: Please, it’s far better and safer than smoking, make the right decision. Return to Testimonials index || View all testimonials

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Ireland – Testimonials

Noel: Vaping helped me quit after over 30 years as a smoker. The only method that worked for me. There is no tobacco in my vape. Aged 56. Favourite flavour is lemon and lime. Return to Testimonials index || View all testimonials

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The Philippines – Testimonials

Wilson: Made me stop smoking! What else could be more important than that. William: Vaping helped me quit smoking analog cigarettes totally 100%. Please fight for our right to vape and to live longer. West: Vape it on! Spread the clouds not the sickness! Vladimir: This is the […]

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Mexico – Testimonials

Juan: A year without smoking, I feel good, I no longer have a cough, I no longer get tired, I no longer stink, my blood pressure is stable, and I even sleep better. Thanks vaping !! Abel: Porque no puede ser posible que Bloomberg quiera el mercado, a […]

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Malaysia – Testimonials

Arifin Fii: Better health for everyone in the world. Melvin: I am signing because we as a human need an alternative to quit smoking for our better health. It is our right. Liza: The only solution to quit smoking Zairul: Don’t tell me what to do! Mohd: Kerana […]

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